We also got a letter from Brian yesterday but I have been sick so I didn't get much of anything done the past two days. Brian said things were much more hectic everyday and there just isn't enough time to write. (We have been getting an average to two letters a week plus the letters he write to Lachelle and Brandon) until this week. He said they have initial drill tomorrow which is a competition they have been practicing hours each day for. They dress up with protective gear and fight with big sticks which are the pugile sticks. On Saturday they actually put them into a pit to fight he said it was pretty intense you only get to fight once but the drill instructor liked my fight so I guess we did a good job at trying to kill each other. He said he went to bed Friday night at 8 and woke up at 9:30 with his ear throbbing and was up until 12:30 or so, but then he said it let up but that both of his ears feel weird and couple of people have ear infections already. I had read that on the website before I got his letter on Wed.
Brandon got a letter last Saturday and Brian told him that because he was one of the first people to pass his swim test he had to help the others in the pool and that it wasn't fun at all helping. He didn't say why he didn't like it but Brian has always gotten swimmers ear just like his mother does! And something tells me that big bad Marines aren't offering him alcohol and peroxide to dry the water in your ears after each swim so this may be why he is having an ear ache.
He was laughing at Pop-Pop because Mom-Mom wrote him to tell him that Pop-Pop has taken half ownership of Zeke. When he went to see the Dr. the form asked him his pet's name so he wrote down Zeke! LOL Brian was cracking up and we have had a little drama here with Zeke because he got an ear infection and I forgot to call the darn vet so the next day poor Zeke came down his head was hanging side ways so of course I remembered I hadn't called the vet and Brian was like woman you have to remember to call them today! So when I wrote Brian about it I sent him a card that had a dog on it and told him I must confess your poor dog thinks that you left him and now your Mother is trying to kill me and signed it from Zeke! LOL Zeke hated the medicine and it took two of us to get it in his ear. Brian would have to sit on top of him and I would have to hold his paws but now he is much better and likes the attention! So Brian told me to keep him posted on Zeke and how he is doing because he had shown his friends some pictures I sent him of Zeke and they all think he is a furociuous dog so he said you know i had to go along with it i wouldn't tell any of them how much of a sissy he really is! LOL
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So proud of our recruit!!!!
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